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The Bible Companion
Book 1 Genesis–Exodus:
God in Beginnings - Books of the Law
In Genesis and Exodus, God reveals Himself as a loving Creator who longs to walk through life with you. Book 1, God in Beginnings, Books of the Law, takes you deep into God's plan to share His life and wisdom with those who love and follow Him. The series' storytelling approach will keep you reading, even through the most difficult passages. Find hope in the stories of ordinary men and women in the Bible whose encounters with God transformed them and reversed the direction of their lives. Discover that what God has done for them, He can do for you.
The Bible Companion
Book 2 Leviticus–Deuteronomy:
God in Beginnings - Books of the Law
In Book 1, God revealed Himself as a loving Creator who longs to know you. Book 2 shows us the lengths to which God goes to be part of our everyday lives. Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are filled with unfamiliar rituals and symbols, but The Bible Companion will help you see how these books lay a foundation for relating to God and others. If you want to know what God is like and what matters to Him, if you question His care for you and our world, if you wonder how God's Word can change your life, the books of the Law will speak to you.
The Bible Companion
Book 3 Joshua–1 & 2 Samuel:
God in Story - Books of History
The Bible Companion Book 3 tracks God’s journey with our spiritual ancestors, the nation of Israel. Abraham’s children choose a difficult road, but God constantly interrupts their story with His story—forgiving, saving, and redeeming them. In the Books of History, we encounter a faithful God who loves us, even if we fall. A God who helps us, even if we doubt. A God who welcomes us home, even if we’ve walked away.
The Bible Companion
Book 4 1 & 2 Kings–Esther:
God in Story - Books of History
The Bible Companion Book 4 tracks God’s journey with our spiritual ancestors, the nation of Israel. Abraham’s children choose a difficult road, but God constantly interrupts their story with His story—forgiving, saving, and redeeming them. In the Books of History, we encounter a faithful God who loves us, even if we fall. A God who helps us, even if we doubt. A God who welcomes us home, even if we’ve walked away.
The Bible Companion
Book 5 Job:
God in Poetry - Books of Wisdom
Does God care when you suffer? The Bible Companion Book 5 helps you face hard questions about pain and evil from a perspective of hope. A simple one-chapter-a-day format lets you engage with Scriptures without the pressure of schedules, homework, or heavy reading loads. Short daily readings and thought-provoking questions connect your story to God’s Word. In the Books of Wisdom (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs), God speaks to us in poetry—the language of the heart. These books reveal a God who is concerned not only about our minds and bodies, but also our emotions. Our journey begins with Job, a man who loses everything. Like us, he fears for himself and his family. What he discovers through his pain surprises him and challenges many of our assumptions about God.
The Bible Companion
Book 6 Psalms:
God in Poetry - Books of Wisdom
Can you tell God how you feel? The Bible Companion Book 6 helps you approach God with both honesty and respect. A simple one-chapter-a-day format lets you engage with Scriptures without the pressure of schedules, homework, or heavy reading loads. Short daily readings and thought-provoking questions connect your story to God’s Word. In the Books of Wisdom (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs), God speaks to us in poetry—the language of the heart. In Psalms we mourn, celebrate, and worship with people who run to God in the best and worst seasons of life. Their experiences give us hope. If you feel alone, if you are hurting, if you need grace, join the psalmists who find forgiveness and strength in God's presence.