Jesus is the Son of God who came to earth, died for our sins, rose from the dead, and will return.
Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ who alone can forgive sins.
The Holy Spirit lives inside every believer to guide, convict, and empower.
The Bible is inspired by God and brought to life by the Holy Spirit.
The Bible Companion takes the high view of Scripture stated in 2 Timothy 3:16. "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." The Bible is completely trustworthy, the standard by which we measure all thoughts, ideas, and actions and the final authority for our lives.


Karen Moderow is a Bible teacher and author whose love for God and story shaped her career path. She graduated magna cum laude from California State University at Long Beach with a BA in English Literature. After receiving a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Chapman University (2015) she earned a Master's in Theology from Fuller Seminary (2017). Karen has been published by numerous Christian periodicals and written two books. The Parting is a celebration of life resource for families and clergy. Back Roads Home: the true story of a family lost and found, chronicles her family history and her own spiritual journey during a long season of personal tragedy. Her third project, The Bible Companion Series, uses storytelling to inspire people read the Bible through from beginning to end.
The Bible Companion Series is a legacy story. In 1993, a group of men in Visalia, California asked semi-retired pastor Floyd Westbrook to teach a Bible study. Pastor Westbrook agreed on two conditions—that they bring their wives and that they commit to reading one chapter of the Bible every day until they completed the entire Bible. He would provide daily devotionals and as an extra incentive, cook breakfast for all who came.
Wednesday Bible and Breakfast became a place where God's Word was studied, cherished, and practiced. Many were reading through the Bible for the first time. Excitement spread as people began experiencing God even in the hard-to-understand passages. Bible and Breakfast grew to over two hundred people (moved to a restaurant) and lasted almost twenty-five years. They met for the last time in 2017 when Pastor Westbrook, then eighty-seven, moved to be near his Orange County family.
After retiring, Pastor Westbrook asked his daughter, Karen, to take his concept of a daily read-through-the Bible series and make it her own. Karen merged his idea of reading through the Bible in bite-size portions to her vision for drawing people into God's Word through storytelling. The content is Karen's. However, the idea for The Bible Companion as well as many of the perspectives of biblical passages, are gifts from her father. The series is dedicated to him, Pastor Floyd Edwin Westbrook.